NABH Accreditation for Hospitals

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National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH)

The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) Standards is today the highest benchmark standard for hospital quality in India. For Allopathic Hospitals there are mainly two versions of the Standards, one being the Full NABH suitable for large Speciality and Tertiary Care Level Hospitals and Entry Level NABH meant mainly for Smaller Hospitals who do not have the Infrastructure and Resources to comply with the Full NABH.

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NABH Accreditation for Hospitals
NABL Entry Level

Though developed by the Quality Council of India initially on the lines of International Accreditation Standards like the JCI, ACHS and the Canadian Hospital Accreditation Standards, the Full NABH has now evolved over 5 major revisions and is now seen as an advanced and very practical set of Standards, topical and relevant to India's unique healthcare system requirements. It is also accepted by ISQUa, the International Society for Quality Assurance in Healthcare, as an International Accreditation on par with the world's best. The Entry Level NABH came up nearly 8 years later to meet the needs of smaller Hospitals who were finding it difficult to comply with the more stringent requirements of the Full NABH.

Both the Full NABH and the Entry Level Quality Standards are effectively Management Systems for all types and sizes of Hospitals that enable them to deliver High Quality Services. The Standards thus cover the entire range of operations and services provided by the Hospital, right from registration of patients and their initial assessment to laboratory services that will be offered in-house as well as those that will be outsourced, display of patient rights & education, policies & procedures on care of patients, management of medication, hospital infection control process that has been deployed, facility management & safety, Human resources management and patient information management systems.

Patients are the biggest beneficiaries from both the Full NABH Accreditation and the Entry Level Certification, as it results in a high quality of care and patient safety. The patients get services by credential medical staff. Rights of patients are respected and protected. Patient satisfaction is regularly evaluated. Quality Accreditations and Certifications also benefit the staff of the hospital as it provides for continuous learning, good working environment, leadership and above all ownership of clinical processes.

Both the Full NABH Accreditation and Entry Level NABH application in Hospitals stimulate continuous improvement, enabling the Hospitals in demonstrating commitment to quality care and raises the community confidence in the services provided by the Hospitals. They provide an opportunity to benchmark with the best.

Major hospital performance related benefits from Implementing either the Full NABH or the Entry Level NABH

  • 1. Reduction in Hospital Infections, Medical Errors and Accidents, resulting in reducing unnecesary stay at the hospital
  • 2. Reduction in Costs through improving Operational Efficiency
  • 3. Improvement in Equipment Utilisation, through reducing breakdowns and down time
  • 4. Better Staff Utilisation through training & clearer assignment of roles and responsibilities with credentialing and privileging
  • 5. Optimising usage of Materials with better Inventory Management, avoiding of Stock-outs

The Full NABH and the Entry Level NABH also serve as an objective system of empanelment by Insurance and other Third Parties Administrators. Accreditation providing access to reliable and certified information on facilities, infrastructure and level of care, a need being felt increasingly by the Indian Insurance Companies who have recently come out with a three tier package segmenting hospitals into A, B & C categories based on which tariffs for cashless hospitalization treatments will be set. The Full NABH Accreditation will naturally help Hospital to be in the A Category.

About ACME

ACME Consulting is India's leading Healthcare Quality Consultancy. Since our inception in 1996 we have worked with over 1400 Hospitals & Labs, both in the Private and Government Sectors to successfully implement quality management systems like the Full NABH, Entry Level NABH, NABL and JCI. Our team of in-house healthcare quality professionals is the largest in the country today. We are also the only Quality Council of India Accredited Consultancy for NABH and Entry Level NABH in India retaining the same for 14 years without a break. We have also been rated highest for Quality Improvement Projects by NHSRC, the technical wing of National Rural Health Mission, Government of India.
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