NABH for Ayurveda Hospitals

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Ayurveda Hospitals

Quality Management Systems for Ayurveda Hospitals and Treatment Centres is the need of the hour. Over the last 5 years especially there has been a phenomenal growth of Ayurveda based therapies like Panchakarma which are followed not just for treatment of diseases but also for preventive health care, resulting in large numbers of health centres and resorts coming up in India, many of them without adequate infrastructure and not providing authentic treatment, many of these even being manned by unqualified persons without basic knowledge of Ayurveda..

Quality Management Systems (QMS) in this sector will result in Standard Operating Procedures being developed and followed for administering the various therapies, to prevent deviations or misuse. A Quality Accreditation will also ensure as importantly that the minimum infrastructure in terms of qualified and trained man-power, space, equipment, indoor facilities and other basic amenities are available.

Register - NABH Training

For example with regard to the staff, an accreditation will require that the treatments/therapies be done only under the supervision of a qualified physician with a recognized degree in Ayurveda (B.A.M.S.). The Panchakarma technicians (male and female) should have sufficient training and skill with appropriate uniforms. Also all staff maintaining necessary personal hygiene.

So too on the building infrastructure requirements, the centre having an optimum size room, adequately ventilated, lighted and furnished and cleanly and hygienically maintained for consultation, therapy, suitable toilets & bathrooms with facilities of shower and supply of both hot & cold water, adequately spaced dispensing room / pharmacy etc.

Regarding the equipment infrastructure and tools required, an Ayurveda Centre needs certain minimum requirements like massage tables (preferably wooden) of a specific size, Steam bath and Sauna bath facilities, dresses for the patients, utensils of clay, warming apparatus.

Like any allopathic hospital, the centre will also need facilities for sterilization of equipment and linen, BP apparatus, stethoscope, torch, examination couch/table, weighing machine, height & weight chart, screen, washbasin

In addition, any QMS implementation will require keeping of proper registers, following all statutory regulations, protocols for the safety of the patients and the staff etc.

Ayurveda Hospitals can go in for an industry specific Accreditation Standard awarded by the NABH, of the Quality Council of India.

NABH for Ayurveda Hospitals
NABH Standards for Ayurvedic Hospitals
Ayurveda Health Care Accreditation

Types of Accreditations and Certifications available currently for AYUSH institutions.

  • 1. Full NABH Standard for AYUSH Hospitals (3 years Validity)
  • 2. Panchakarma Standard for Ayurveda Clinics (3 years Validity)
  • 3. Pre-Accredited Entry Level Standards for Ayurveda Hospitals (Minimum 5 beds & Validity is 2 years)
  • 4. Pre-Accredited Entry Level Standards for Ayurveda Centres (No beds required & Validity is 2 years)

Difference between Panchakarma Cinic Standards & Entry Level Ayush Centres are

Panchakarma Clinic Standards Entry Level Ayush Centres
FULL Accreditation standard Certification standard
Valid for 3 years Valid for 2 years
No IP beds ( No Overnight Stay ) No IP beds ( No Overnight Stay )
Both OP & Panchakarma must OP with or without Panchakarma
Application Fee 20000/- Annual Fee 60,000/- Application fee 1000/- Annual Fee 10000/-
Some Insurances are accepting As of now not accepted by Insurance Companies
Applicable only to Ayurveda Panchakarma Applicable to all branches of AYUSH - Ayurveda , Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy ( same standards)

Difference between NABH Ayurveda Standards & Entry Level Ayush Hospitals are

NABH Ayurveda Standards Entry Level Ayush Centres
Accreditation Certification
Valid for 3 years Valid for 2 years
Minimum IP beds - 10 Minimum IP beds - 5
Both OP, IP & Therapies with or without Panchakarma Both OP, IP & Therapies with or without Panchakarma
Minimum Application Fee 20000/- Minimum Annual Fee 60,000 (10 - 49 beds) Application fee 1000/- Annual Fee 10000/- (1 - 49 beds)
MOT incentives applicable MOT incentives Not applicable
Some Insurance Companies accepting As of now not accepted by Insurance Companies
Two Stage Assessments - Pre & Final One Stage Assessment only
Chapters 10, Standards - 98, OE - 590 Chapters 10, Standards - 37, OE - 146
Applicable only to Ayurveda (Separate standards for Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy Same standards applicable to all branches of AYUSH -Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy

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